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The tiny leaves formed an impenetrable barrier
which blocked the drain.
1. What is a subject?
--- An individual who has an intention or other attitude.
2. Singular vs plural quantification
-- A flea is bothering me [singular]
-- Some fleas are bothering me [plural]
Ontological Innocence
3. Distributive vs collective predication
4. What is a plural subject?
-- Some individuals who collectively have an intention or other attitude.
1. What is a subject?
--- An individual who has an intention or other attitude.
2. What is an aggregate (or ‘colonial’) animal?
-- An animal with multiple parts that are animals.
3. What is an aggregate subject?
-- A subject with multiple parts that are subjects.
Plural subject
-- some individuals who collectively have an attitude.
Aggregate subject
-- a subject with multiple parts that are subjects.
Identical to the individuals.
Distinct from the individuals.
Could not involve other individuals.
May involve other individuals.
True: Collectively form an aggregate subject.
False: Does not form an aggregate subject.
False: Do not collectively sting or eat.
True: Does sting and eat.
Gilbert, Schmid
Pettit, List, Helm, ?Gilbert
Gilbert on joint commitment
[1] The subject:
‘a commitment
by two or more people
of the same two or more people.’
[2] The content:
All joint commitments are commitments to emulate, as far as possible, a single body which does something (2013, p. 64).
Plural subject
-- some individuals who collectively have an attitude.
Aggregate subject
-- a subject with multiple parts that are subjects.
Identical to the individuals.
Distinct from the individuals.
Could not involve other individuals.
May involve other individuals.
True: Collectively form an aggregate subject.
False: Does not form an aggregate subject.
False: Do not collectively sting or eat. [?]
True: Does sting and eat.
Gilbert, Schmid
Pettit, List, Helm, ?Gilbert